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Academic Qualifications 


  • DSCM – Teaching (Hons), 1972

  • DSCM – Performing (Hons), 1973

  • Bachelor of Music (Hons) (Dunelm), 1981

University and Community Service Summary

Academic Appointments


2014- 2017      Visiting Professor of Music, School of Music, University of Canterbury

2012-2014       Professor of Music, Head, School of Music, University of Canterbury

2007-2012       Professor of Music, Head, School of Music, University of Auckland

1994-2005       Professor of Music, Dean, Faculty of Music, University of Newcastle

1992-1994       Associate Professor in Music, Deputy Dean, University of Newcastle, Australia

1990-1992       Senior Lecturer in Music, Deputy Principal, University of Newcastle, Australia

1984-1989       Senior Lecturer in Music, NSW State Conservatorium of Music, Newcastle

1975-1983       Lecturer in Music, NSW State Conservatorium of Music, Sydney

Areas of Expertise




  • piano performance

  • composition

  • postgraduate supervision in a wide range of research areas

  • instrumental and vocal pedagogy

  • conducting

  • music history and musicicology

  • music theory

  • community music

  • music appreciation




  • Higher Education Leadership

  • Leadership in Music Education in Communities

Significant Awards


Hon. Fellow, Guild of Church Musicians (UK), 2000

Service, Professional Societies and Peer Esteem


University Related Service


2018-2019      Guest Artistic Director, Kangaroo Valley Arts Festival

2017-2019      Chair, Academic Board – Academy of Music and the Performing Arts (AMPA)

2012-2014      Member Academic Board, University of Canterbury

2007- 2014     Member, UMANZ (University Music Association New Zealand-Committee of Music) 

2007-2012      Member, Academic Senate, University of Auckland  

1999-2005      Australian Vice-Chancellors Council Representative for Australian Music Examinations Board                                        (AMEB) Board, NSW 

1997-2005      Member, University of Newcastle Foundation Board

1988-2004      Member, Newcastle Conservatorium Foundation Board 

1995-2005      Member, NACTMUS (National Council of Tertiary Music Institutions) 

2002-2005      Chair, NACTMUS (National Council of Tertiary Music Institutions) 

1990-2005      Member, Academic Senate, University of Newcastle 

1984-1990      Member, Board of Governors, State Conservatorium of Music, Sydney 

1975-2014      Ex Officio member of numerous academic boards, committees and working parties:

  • State Conservatorium NSW 1975-1990

  • University of Newcastle 1990-2005

  • University of Auckland 2007-2012

  • University of Canterbury 2012-2014

Wider Music Community Related Service

  • 2009-2012       Trustee, Merton Trust, New Zealand

  • 2008-2012       Trustee, Evelyn M Harrison Scholarship Trust, New Zealand

  • 1998-2005       Member, National Board, Musica Viva Australia 

  • 1998-2005       Chair, Musica Viva Australia, Newcastle Branch 

  • 1984-2005       Member, Musica Viva Australia, Newcastle Branch 

  • 1986-1988       Lord Mayor’s Bicentennial Committee, Newcastle 

Reviews and Review Panel Membership

  • 2013    University of Canterbury - Review of the College of Arts

  • 2012    University of Canterbury - Review of the School of Music (March-June)

  • 2009    Monash University – Music Department - Review of PhD in Performance Programme 

  • 2004    University of Southern Queensland - Department of Music – Departmental Review 

  • 2004    Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (UK) - Review of academic programmes, teaching staff and                     departments

  • 2004    Australian Institute of Music – Bachelor of Music programme review

  • 2004    Box Hill Institute of TAFE, Victoria – Review of Advanced Diploma in jazz and contemporary music

  • 2002    Australian Institute of Music – Bachelor of Music programme review 

International Peer Esteem

2011-2012 Member, Experts Scientific Committee (ESC) for ENSEMBLE 


Research into Enterprise Interoperability was funded by the European Commission. The ENSEMBLE Experts Scientific Committee played a prominent role in establishing the scientific foundations of Enterprise Interoperability and shaping a roadmap for future research in the domain of Future Internet Enterprise Systems. Robert Constable was an invited member of the ESC representing the creative arts. Membership of the ESC consists of the following experts:

  • Petra Ahrweiler, University College Dublin (Ireland)

  • Arne-Jørgen Berre, SINTEF (Norway)

  • Stephen Bishop, UCL (UK)

  • Jonathan Cave, University of Warwick (UK)

  • David Chen, University Bordeaux 1 (France)

  • Robert Constable, National Institute for Creative Art, University of Auckland (New Zealand)

  • Tania Lisboa, Royal College of Music, London.

  • Ted Goranson, Sirius Beta (USA)

  • Antonio Grilo, Nova University and Neobiz Consulting (Portugal)

  • Sergio Gusmeroli, TXT (Italy)

  • Nenad Ivezic, NIST (USA)

  • Norbert Koppenhagen, University of Mannheim & SAP AG (Germany)

  • Michael Leyton, Rutgers (USA)

  • Antonio Manzalini, Telecom Italia (Italy)

  • Keith Popplewell, Coventry University (UK)

  • Weiming Shen, National Research Council of Canada (Canada)

  • Lars Taxén, Linköping University (Sweden)

Recent Community Music Leadership

Community Teaching

2016-2019       Music Appreciation Lecture Series: weekly classes for the Shoalhaven community



2018    Shoalhaven Eisteddfod

Serenata Seriesof International Concerts


The 2018s featured: 

  • The Streeton Trio 

  • Piers Lane AO (piano) 

  • Piers Lane AO (piano) and Tasmin Little MBE (violin)

  • Timothy Constable (percussion) 

The 2019 featured: 

  • Robert Constable (piano) for two Classic Silent Film performances (March and June)

  • Michael Endres (piano)

Arts in the Valley


Guest Artistic Director - Kangaroo Valley biennial Arts Festival 2018/2019 


“Australian Made”


With two Stuart & Sons grand pianos as the Festival centrepiece, Robert Constable brought an array of international performers, including Piers Lane AO (Piano), Peter Coleman-Wright AO (Operatic baritone and recitalist), Michael Endres (German pianist and award-winning recording artist), Umberto Clerici (Italian cellist and Principal cello, SSO), and Andrew Haveron (Concert master, SSO).


The Shoalhaven City Council estimates the KVAF generates around 1.7 million dollars in tourism during the Festival.  …  (Festival review, May 2019)

Pre-Concert Talks


1984 – present 

Robert Constable has given many hundreds of pre-concert talks for many individuals, groups and organizations including:

  • Musica Viva Australia

  • Symphony Australia

  • Chamber Music New Zealand

  • Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra

  • University of Newcastle

  • University of Auckland

  • University of Canterbury

  • Christchurch Symphony Orchestra

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