Audience Comments
Silent Film Performances 2003 - 2014
Some audience comments from post-event emails and letters
"Robert Constable really was quite amazing. The creativity was striking, the night being a tour de force of cooperative creativity - incredible when one reflects that the whole night emerged from one human mind ..."
"The music really made the Buster Keaton films. Robert Constable did it very well and the films were much funnier because of it."
"The films were accompanied brilliantly by pianist Robert Constable."
"Buster Keaton: what an incredible talent, and matched by Robert Constable whose playing was equally inspired."
"Thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable evening at the Kangaroo Valley Hall last Saturday. Every so often during the screening I realized that I was listening to a live pianist playing his own music and the “wow factor “ seeped through my body and made me feel so lucky to be exposed to this level of talent."
"Robert Constable was so good and his music was so funny - I don't know how he does it, playing at that level for so long."
"I had trouble seeing the screen properly, but the music was so good it didn't really matter."
"We would both like to thank Robert and congratulate him on another beautiful performance. He absolutely brings the characters and narrative alive with his thoughtful, thrilling and enchanting music."
"In a world of films filled with noise and destructive, violent images, how refreshing and delightful it was to watch a master of silence and gentleness being embellished by a master of musical interpretation. They are two geniuses for sure."
"I was a first-timer and am now a big Buster Keaton fan and a Robert Constable fan as well. Please tell the latter how amazing he is. I loved his music - so light and lively. It fitted with the movies perfectly and it was good to hear a few familiar tunes woven in ... It's amazing to think he can play non-stop like that for over an
Press Comments
Ken Longworth-Newcastle Herald
“Robert Constable’s glistening magical music for Midsummer Night’s Dream is now available for purchase on cassette and loses nothing of its magic when separated from the show.”
T.H.Naisby- Music Critic, Newcastle Herald
“Robert Constable gave a brilliant recital yesterday. The city could have been light-years away.”
Barry Walmsley, Music Critic, Newcastle Herald
“Robert Constable has produced a beautifully sonorous, yet rhythmically static work, Medea, which lulls the listener into an almost hypnotic state.”
Marea Mitchell, The Australian
“Robert Constable’s music [for Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream] is superb, light and lyrical. Some of the production’s high points involve to combination of music, singing and choreography (Bronwyn White). One such moment arrives with the putting to bed of the proud Titania by her fairies, where music, movement and voice achieve enchanting effects and tableaux.”
John Carmody, Music Critic, Sydney Morning Herald
“A striking feature of this concert was the beautiful balance which the conductor, Robert Constable, achieved, not only between the instruments and voices but within the ensemble itself; he captured the fluidity of the closing pages [of Nigel Butterley’s The Owl] superbly.”
Fred Blanks, Sydney Morning Herald
“Robert Constable’s Locomotive Music caused a veritable blizzard of eight marimba sticks.”